Alex Saenz and Scott Quiggle host this podcast featuring the Miami Dolphins and in doing so share personal stories, recommendations, predictions, game and player analysis and much more. We’re at least as old as the team is, we both over-employ a sarcastic sense of humor, and we both bleed aqua an orange but we don’t drink Cool Aid. Sit back and listen to unbridled opinions , stories, and interesting tidbits your probably haven’t heard. It’s a conversation with wisdom and experience because we’ve pretty much seen it all.
Born in Cuba but raised in Miami, Alex grew up a Dolphins fan. He treasures the memories of the games he attended in the Orange bowl as a kid. He now makes his home in Poway, CA but his heart is still with South Florida sports, none more so than with the Miami Dolphins.

Professionally, Scott is an Agile Coach and IT/Software Manager. Personally, he is a novelist and blogger, vintner and winemaker, occasional gourmet cook and now a podcaster! He grew up in upstate New York, but has been a Dolphins fan since he could talk. Scott makes his home in San Diego now. Read his BIO at Cool Queue Studios.

Wunderlic champion. Was fed Aqua and Orange in his baby bottle. Grew up in SoCal but knows Miami, graduated from the U (Hurricane), interned with the Heat and Dolphins. Now works with pops at US Green.